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Promotion Procedures for AHSW Instructional Faculty

Notification of Intent to Seek Promotion

Faculty members seeking promotion will follow the timeline set in Table 1.

Table 1. Dates for Promotion Process
On or before May 15thThe candidate notifies the School Director and the School P&T Committee Chair of the decision to stand for promotion. Following the guidelines in this document, the Promotion of Instructional Faculty (PIF) Committee will be formed and will elect a Chair.
Second Monday of SeptemberThe candidate’s completed dossier is due to the School PIF Committee.
First Monday of DecemberThe School PIF Committee must have reviewed the candidate’s dossier and voted on the promotion request. The School PIF Chair prepares a written summary of the committee’s deliberations, including the outcome of the voting. This letter becomes a permanent part of the candidate’s dossier and is sent to the School Director.
Last Day of Fall Semester Exams

The School Director notifies the candidate and Division Director in writing of the School PIF Committee recommendation.

In the case of a negative recommendation reached by the School PIF Committee notifies the School Director and candidate in writing of the negative outcome. This ceases the review process.

In the event of a positive recommendation, the School Director submits a written recommendation to the CHSP Dean, including the School PIF Committee’s letter.

March 1In the case of a positive recommendation by the Dean, the CHSP Dean submits a written recommendation to the Executive Vice-President and Provost.
April 1Provost notifies the CHSP Dean, School Director, and candidate in writing of approval or denial of promotion.


In all review cases, the weight given to teaching must consider other demands made on the faculty member by hiring agreements or activities necessary to fulfill the School’s mission. For example, a candidate may have been hired with the understanding that the workload would include administrative responsibilities or may have received resources for scholarly activities that include a reduced teaching workload. Specific teaching responsibilities will occur through dialogue between the faculty member, the School Director, the Program Director, and/or the Chair of the School’s PIF (other committee members also may be involved) and will reflect the goals and needs of the program (including interdisciplinary teaching, if applicable) and the professional goals of the individual faculty member.

The School Director shall provide a written record of decisions that may later affect promotion decisions to the faculty member and copies retained in his/her permanent file. To this end, the candidate must maintain accurate documentation (e.g., summary notes of conversations with the Director, email correspondence) of any changes in workload and expectations that may occur during the pre-promotion period. These documents may be used in the evaluative materials submitted by the candidate at the time of review. Each candidate will be evaluated individually based on the terms of hire within all appointment letters included in the evaluation period.

Early Promotion

A recommendation for early promotion is possible but requires that a case be made for the candidate’s exceptionality. The candidate must explicitly address the case for exceptionality in the dossier under each section as applicable. Faculty members who apply for early promotion and are not successful may reapply the following year.

Candidates are advised to conduct preliminary discussions with their school director and the Dean before submitting for early promotion by the last day of the spring semester prior to dossier submission.