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Review of Instructional Faculty in AHSW

Promotion through the ranks from assistant professor of instruction to professor of instruction is in recognition of the faculty member's accomplishments being considered. All Instructional faculty in the school are encouraged to move through the academic ranks to achieve the status of professor of instruction. Promotion shall not be automatic or guaranteed upon completion of a typical term of service.

Pre-Promotion Review Criteria

In addition to annual evaluations, instructional faculty planning to apply for promotion should request a pre-promotion review. Depending on the terms and conditions of hire and the historical relationship with the College, the timeline may vary. Ideally, the review would take place in the fall term, three years before applying for promotion. It is noted that individual circumstances may alter the timeline. Congruent with the College’s goal of collaboration and mentorship, the Unit PTC will work with the candidate to assist in preparation and guidance for the review. The candidate is responsible for initiating this process. By the second Monday of September, the candidate will submit to the PIF a dossier following the college template.

The PIF and School Director, in consultation with the Division Director, will review the materials by the end of the first week of spring term. The candidate will receive a letter from the School Director that integrates all feedback about his/her progress toward promotion and/or tenure. The letter will include suggestions regarding which area(s) the candidate may need to strengthen and improve. The School Director will issue the letter no later than February 15.

Promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction

Within the framework of the candidate’s terms of hire and the standards established within the School Instruction Faculty Promotion Guidelines, a recommendation for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor of Instruction will include those of the following criteria that are identified in the candidate’s terms of hire:

  1. A minimum of five years full-time in the rank of Assistant Professor of Instruction at Ohio University.
    1. At the time of hire, the candidate may negotiate with the School Director and Dean for the inclusion of prior experience and productivity, decreasing the minimum amount of time required to be considered for promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction. In this case, the terms should be clearly delineated in the candidate’s letter of offer.
    2. In rare instances when an Instructional Faculty member has shown exceptionality, a faculty member with less than five years as an Assistant Professor of Instruction may be considered for promotion.
  2. Demonstrates record of effectiveness as a teacher, mentor, and/or advisor from the date of hire.
  3. A record of service including administration to the discipline, the academic unit and, where possible, the College, the University, and the public as well as the profession at large.
  4. If applicable, any other assigned responsibilities as noted in the candidate’s letter of offer.

Promotion to Professor of Instruction

Promotion to the highest rank requires achievements and a professional reputation that is recognized nationally as outstanding within the framework of the candidate’s terms of hire and the standards established within the School Instructional Faculty Promotion Guidelines. The level of contribution must be beyond that expected of an Associate Professor of Instruction. Recommendation for promotion from the rank of Associate Professor of Instruction to Professor of Instruction requires: Other expectations of a Professor of Instruction should include progressively more distinctive service (leadership roles), mentorship, and/or professional service (active involvement in National, State, or District organizations).

  1. A minimum of five years in full-time rank of Associate Professor of Instruction at Ohio University.
    1. A candidate may negotiate with the School Director and Dean for the inclusion of prior experience and productivity, decreasing the minimum amount of time required to be considered for promotion to Professor of Instruction. In this case, the terms should be clearly delineated in the candidate’s letter of offer.
    2. In rare instances when an Instructional Faculty member has shown exceptionality, a faculty member with less than five years as an Assistant Professor of Instruction may be considered for promotion (see Early Promotion Section).
  2. Demonstrated cumulative record of high-quality teaching, mentorship, and advising. Included is a demonstration of consistent and significant contributions to the curriculum as demonstrated by the development or revision of courses or curricular sequencing from the date of hire.
  3. Demonstrated leadership in service to the University (unit, College, University), to the public, and to the profession at large.
  4. If applicable, any other assigned responsibilities as noted in the candidate’s letter of offer.