Professional Deaf Resources Liaison Certificate

The CSD Professional Deaf Resources Liaison Certificate provides an opportunity for all undergraduate Ohio University students interested in furthering their understanding of American Sign Language (ASL), including the history, community, and culture of individuals who are deaf.

The program provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills in ASL to become allies with the deaf community. 

The curriculum provides a foundation for students to develop collaborative opportunities with the deaf community in improving access to services such as health and human services, education, social services, community service agencies, vocational rehabilitation, etc.

Opportunities Upon Graduation

The certificate provides a basic entry-level understanding of the complex dynamics of the deaf community. It shall be used as an avenue for students in their careers to provide resources, support, and information to professionals who interact with deaf people in a variety of settings. The certificate shall be used to address the traditional systematic oppression experienced by deaf people and find innovative ways to improve quality access to services for deaf people.

Note, that these students are not qualified to interpret, nor does this certificate make the student an expert in teaching American Sign Language or Deaf Studies. A CSD Professional Deaf Resources Liaison Certificate may be used as a related field in BA degrees (i.e. Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences, Communication Studies, and Bachelor of Specialized Studies).