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Congratulations to our 2020 IHS outstanding undergraduate student: Lori Wike

June 10, 2020

The Department of Interdisciplinary Health Studies would like to congratulate the 2020 IHS outstanding undergraduate student, Lori Wike.  Lori recently completed the Bachelor of Integrated Healthcare Studies degree via eCampus. Learn more about Wike below:

What are your personal and professional goals for the future?

With the COVID-19 pandemic, I am not planning on making any professional moves at this time. My skills are needed right where I am and I am committed to my career until the world is in a more stable position. The opportunity to continue my education is very appealing and very attainable with the on-line programs at Ohio University. So the future is bright and very inviting!

How do you feel your IHS courses help support you in achieving your goals?

I have worked in health care for 29 years. I had only completed part of my college education before I went into the medical field. I wanted to have the degree to back up my education and experience. I felt like I lacked credibility without a degree to back up my skills. The IHS courses really complemented my experience and validated what I already knew about myself; I am smart and capable.

What are some of your outside of schools interests, that make you who you are?

My husband and I like to travel, go hiking, and cook together! We also enjoy attending college football and basketball games.

If you could positively impact a health disparity what would you focus on?

Health care should be a human right and not a luxury that only a few can afford. Making health care accessible is very important for all populations because being physically healthy helps break the cycle of poverty and hunger. Poverty also contributes to violence and hopelessness. Without proper health care, the ability to contribute to society is diminished. Surviving without opportunity to advance and make healthy changes is the exact cycle that needs to be broken. Health care for everyone will allow people to be the best version of themselves and that's when sustainable living becomes possible for everyone.

What makes you smile?

Children!! Kids are the best! They are so funny and innocent!

What makes you unique?

I was born happy with a glass more than half full. I see the bright side of everything. I see the best in everyone. I see strength in weakness and I find joy in sorrow. I have a great spirit of adventure and I am game to try new things! I am a loyal friend and a faithful partner.