The Gates Foundation: New Applicant


The Gates Foundation-Ross County Scholar’s Fund awards scholarships to undergraduate college students who have graduated from Ross County, Ohio, high schools. (You must have attended your entire senior year of high school at a Ross County, Ohio, school.) Criteria for scholarship awards are based on: economic need, social skills, and ability to do college work. You may apply for the scholarship for each year of college, through a renewal application, and you are eligible to be considered for renewal of the scholarship for up to a total of four years.

Upon submission of the application, you must have been accepted at one or more institutions of higher education.

Please attach to this application form:

  1. All documents confirming your acceptance at schools listed on this form.
  2. At least two letters of recommendation from a high school guidance counselor and/or teacher, with special emphasis on social activities and skills.
  3. A completed “The Gates Foundation-Ross County Scholar’s Fund Information Sheet” for EACH school to which you have applied/been accepted.
    • Can be attached to this form or your financial office can submit separately with the understanding you are responsible for ensuring that your financial aid office must return the completed information sheet for your application to be considered.

Your application must be received by April 30 to be eligible for consideration for the scholarship. 


A printable PDF version of this form can be returned via email to, or via postal mail at The Ohio University Foundation c/o The Gates Foundation Ross County Scholar’s Fund, PO Box 869, Athens, OH 45701.


Student Information
Permanent home address
School Information
Awards & Experience
Additional Documents
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These files can be attached here or submitted separately by your financial office.
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For students applying to Ohio University: Ohio University is granted permission to release to The Gates Foundation all information, including financial data, regarding my application for admission

I understand that I am responsible for ensuring that my financial aid office returns the completed Gates Foundation Information Sheet via the online form, via email to, or via postal mail at The Ohio University Foundation c/o The Gates Foundation Ross County Scholar’s Fund, PO Box 869, Athens, OH 45701. I authorize the education institution at which I am currently enrolled or have been enrolled to share all required and requested information with The Gates Foundation-Ross County Scholar’s Fund.

I agree with the above statement.
If selected as a scholarship recipient, I give permission for my name to be used in press releases and/or stories released about the Gates Scholarship.
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