Maximizing the impact of your gift ensures that Ohio University will forever remain a life-changing experience.
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. Your employer may double or even triple your impact by matching your gift to OHIO. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and spouses.
If you don't see results for your employer, they might not have a matching policy on record. Ask about gift matching to see if amplifying your donation is an option for you.
When submitting a matching gift through your company's electronic portal or if your company still uses a paper form, you may need the following information:
The Tax ID for The Ohio University Foundation is 31-6402269
Our mailing address:
The Ohio University Foundation
PO Box 869
Athens, OH 45701-0869
Our contact information:
Email: giving@ohio.edu
Phone: 740.593.2636