Patton College Legacy Tree.
Bring this Patton College tree to life by contributing a gift to engrave your legacy leaf.

The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education Legacy Tree

By purchasing a Legacy Leaf, you will commemorate and solidify your commitment to education for others. Your name and legacy will inspire students for years to come. You can help us continue to tell the story of transformation, education, and being Patton Proud by contributing toward the tree and putting your name in the Gladys W. and David H. Patton Hall. The generations of graduates and friends are what make The Patton College of Education everything that it is today. Thank you for your support! 

Up close images of Patton Tree metal and leaves.

Add a Leaf to the Legacy Tree

Donors will complete a two-step process to add a leaf to the Legacy Tree in Patton Hall.

  1. Complete this survey, taking approximately 7 minutes. Here you’ll enter your name and contact information and select and design your Legacy Leaf.
  2. After submitting this survey, you’ll automatically be taken to an Ohio University donation form to make your Leaf-level donation.

    Add a Leaf

    To have your name added to the Patton College of Education Legacy Tree, gifts must be made in full. Thank you for your generous support!

All options of leaves stacked.


Leaf Options and Details

Each leaf will be mounted on 3/4" backing made from preserved wood from original McCracken Hall material.

  • Copper Leaf, $500

    2 lines of text with a maximum of 16 characters per line

  • Silver Leaf, $1000

    2 lines of text with a maximum of 22 characters per line

  • Gold Leaf, $1500

    2 lines of text with a maximum of 26 characters per line

  • Platinum Leaf, $2000

    3 lines total: 2 lines of text with a maximum of 30 characters per line and an additional third line with a maximum of 25 characters

Patton Tree Hallway
  • Contact Us

    To learn more about the Legacy Tree or to make arrangements for your family’s Leaves to be grouped together, please contact the Office of Annual Giving.

Patton Tree Hallway two photos.